Chinese tongue twisters

Hannah (year 9) challenged some famous Chinese tongue twisters. Try those terrifically tricky tongue twisters that totally practice your tongue! 

Tongue twister no. 1 


sì shì sì. 
shí shì shí, 
shí sì shì shí sì, 
sì shí shì sì shí, 

Four is four. 
ten is ten, 
fourteen is fourteen, 
forty is forty, 

Tongue twister no. 2 


chī pú táo bù tǔ pú táo pí, 
bù chī pú táo dào tǔ pú táo pí. 

Eat the grapes but do not spit out the skins, 
don’t eat the grapes but spit out the skins. 

Tongue twister no. 3 

zhī dào jiù shuō zhī dào, 
bù zhī dào jiù shuō bu zhī dào, 
bù yào zhī dào shuō bu zhī dào, 
yě bù yào bù zhī dào shuō zhī dào, 
nǐ zhī dào bù zhī dào? 

If you know, just say you know. 
If you don’t know, just say you don’t know. 
You shouldn’t know and say you don’t know. 
And you shouldn’t not know and say you do know. 
You know? 

孔子 Confucius

In this article, Alex (Year 9) explores Confucius and Confucianism as a whole, as well as its influence on world culture, personal ethics, and morality. 

中国儒家文化的来源是孔丘,他被尊称为孔夫子,也叫孔子。 他是中国历史上影响最大的思想家和教育家。 

孔子不仅是儒家学派创始人,影响了中国两千多年的文化, 也影响了东亚文化圈。东亚文化圈自古以来从汉唐辐射了日本,韩国,越南等国。覆盖的人口超过全人类的四分之一。他的学说成为了东方人品格和心理的理论基础。孔子的德治思想是中国古代思想文化的宝贵遗产。 


孔子的社会哲学主要基于“任”或“爱别人”的原则,同时实行自律。他认为可以使用“黄金法则”将“仁慈”付诸行动,“您不希望自己做的事,不要对别人做。” 比耶稣相似的名言”你们想让别人怎么对待自己,就因该怎么对待别人。“早了五百多年。 


Key words: 

经典作品 -Classics 

儒家学派 – Confucianism 

封建社会 -Feudal Society 

耶稣会神父 -Jesuit Priest 

耶稣 -Jesus 

利玛窦 – Matteo Ricci 

东亚文化圈 – Sinosphere 

社会哲学 – Social Philosophy 

论语 – The Analects of Confucius 

黄金法则 – The Golden Rule 

理论基础 – Theoretical basis 

Love Wounds 爱殇 àishāng

Watch Siobhan (Year 7) singing “Love Wounds爱殇 àishāng” in Mandarin, whilst accompanying herself on the piano. Follow the lyrics in Mandarin here! 

mù sè qǐ kàn tiān biān xié yáng  
暮 色 起 看  天   边   斜  阳                         
huǎng hū xiǎng qǐ nǐ de liǎn páng  
恍    惚 想    起 你 的 脸   庞                       

bì jìng huí xiǎng 
毕 竟   回  想                                                 
nán miǎn tú zēng gǎn shāng  
难  免   徒 增   感  伤                                   
qīng tàn xī   
轻   叹  息                                                        
wǒ men nà xiē hǎo shí guāng  
我 们  那 些  好  时  光                                 

yè wèi yāng fán xīng luò yǎn kuàng  
夜 未  央   繁  星   落  眼  眶                       
shí yí duàn róu ruǎn de guāng máng  
拾  一 段   柔  软   的 光    芒                     

qīng fēng guò yè zhú guāng 
清   风   过  曳 烛  光                               
dú wǔ wú rén xīn shǎng  
独 舞 无 人  欣  赏                                      
liú huā bàn suí fēng piāo dàng  
留  花  瓣  随  风   飘   荡                          
wǒ yào jiāng guò wǎng dōu chǔ cáng  
我 要  将    过  往   都  储  藏                   
biān yí duàn méi hǎo de mèng xiǎng  
编   一 段   美  好  的 梦   想                   
yé xǔ huàn xiàng   
也 许 幻   象                                               
dào zuì hòu huì gèng shāng  
到  最  后  会  更   伤                        
jiǎ huān chàng yòu hé fáng   
假  欢   畅    又  何 妨                        
wú rén gòng xiǎng  
无 人  共   享    

nǐ céng jīng shì wǒ de biān jiāng  
你 曾   经   是  我 的 边   疆     
dǐ kàng wǒ suó yǒu de bēi shāng  
抵 抗   我 所  有  的 悲  伤     
xī fēng cán gù rén wǎng  
西 风   残  故 人  往    
rú jīn bèi ài liú fàng  
如 今  被  爱 流  放    
kùn zài le yǎn lèi zhōng yāng  
困  在  了 眼  泪  中    央       
qīng jiě ní cháng  
轻   解  霓 裳     
yān lèi huàn xiào zhuāng  
咽  泪  换   笑   妆      
děng nǐ róng zhuāng   
等   你 戎   装       
qù hū xiào cāng sāng  
去 呼 啸   沧   桑    
guò wǎng zhōng jiū  
过  往   终    究   
zhǐ bú zhù liú tǎng  
止  不 住  流  淌    
qù yù jiàn fēi xiáng  
去 御 剑   飞  翔     
yé xǔ huì fēi chū zhè gǎn shāng   
也 许 会  飞  出  这  感  伤      

mù sè qǐ kàn tiān biān xié yáng  
暮 色 起 看  天   边   斜  阳    
yè wèi yāng xīng hé dú liú tǎng  
夜 未  央   星   河 独 流  淌    
tiān qíng lǎng hǎo fēng guāng  
天   晴   朗   好  风   光     
ruò nǐ bú zài shēn páng  
若  你 不 在  身   旁    
néng shàng cāng qióng yòu zěn yàng  
能   上    苍   穹    又  怎  样    
chuán guò kōng gǎng   
船    过  空   港     
jiāng jì mò huàn yǎng  
将    寂 寞 豢   养    
kuàng yě shuāng jiàng   
旷    野 霜     降      
dī chuí le lèi guāng  
低 垂   了 泪  光     
shì shuí yǔn luò le  
是  谁   陨  落  了  
wǒ de tài yáng  
我 的 太  阳    
shì nǐ de mú yàng  
是  你 的 模 样    
dài zǒu wǒ suó yǒu de guāng máng   
带  走  我 所  有  的 光    芒     
yáng fān yuǎn háng   
扬   帆  远   航     
dí bú guò páng huáng  
敌 不 过  彷   徨     
nài hé liú fàng   
奈  何 流  放     
dí bú guò cāng liáng  
敌 不 过  苍   凉     
wǒ yào qián rù  
我 要  潜   入  
huí yì de wāng yáng  
回  忆 的 汪   洋    
xún nǐ de mú yàng  
寻  你 的 模 样    
wéi yǒu nǐ shì wǒ de tiān táng   
唯  有  你 是  我 的 天   堂     
wéi yǒu nǐ shì wǒ de tiān táng  
唯  有  你 是  我 的 天   堂    

New Year artwork 新年手工 xīn nián shǒu gōng

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – juvenile edition cover from 1999 © Bloomsbury

Decorating your room with your own handcraft or painting? Josephine (Year 8) and Elodie (Year 8) have excellent ideas of how to make easy and beautiful art works. Check them out here. 

This is a watercolour painting in Chinese mountain and water (山水画shānshuǐhuà) style by Elodie (Year 8) 

How to make a lantern (灯笼 dēnglóng) with one piece of paper? Josephine (year 8) shown you step by step in the video below:  

中国性别歧视 Sexism in China

In this article, Eloise (Year 13) discusses the causes of sexism in China, including the effect of traditional concepts and values on Chinese people’s beliefs and actions. She then suggests some possible solutions, including the use of education and further investigation into the gender pay gaps. 

现在,在中国普遍存在一些性别歧视,其中一个现象是男女工资差距。在中国,女人不但有更少的工作机会,而且有更重的任务,比如照顾孩子、做饭、打扫房子等等。如今中国之所以还有一些性别歧视,是因为传统的观念影响了国民的思想。在古代,传统观念包括:“男主外,女主内”、“三从四德”、“贤妻良母”,这种性别歧视的观念让很多人变得重男轻女。在这样的背景下,毛泽东试着改变人们的思想,提出了“妇女能顶半边天”。虽然中国的妇女正在成为社会的 “半边天”,但是中国社会还存在根深蒂固的性别歧视。此外,我还觉得这是一个全球性的问题,为了消除性别歧视我们应该用教育改变人的思想(一些人仍然相信重男轻女):比如,在学校,老师负责教导学生们性别平等的观念;在公司,管理层应该促进男女同工同酬和工作上的平等对待,等等。另外,为了解决男女工资差距问题,中国政府应该调查男女工资差距,对于男女工资差距也应该制定更严格的规则。总之,性别歧视是一个非常难的挑战,我觉得在中国情况在逐渐变好:很多女性拥有高薪工作,拥有更多权力。尽管如此,女性获得真正的平等依然任重道远。  

Key vocabulary list: 


男女工资差距=gender pay gap 

观念=notion; thought; concept 

三从四德=the three obedience and the four virtues 

贤妻良母=a good wife and a loving mother  

妇女能顶半边天=women can hold up half the sky 


同工同酬=equal pay for equal work  

Lover’s Heart – 恋人心

Watch Siobhan (Year 7) singing “Lover’s Heart” in Mandarin, whilst accompanying herself on the piano. Follow the lyrics in Mandarin here!


化作风 化作雨 

化作春 走向你 

梦如声 梦如影 


化作烟 化作泥 

化作云 飘向你 

思如海 恋如城 










化作诗 化作笔 

化作灯 写着你 

默念著 轻叹著 


化作路 化作径 

化作情 找寻你 

爱一次 梦一 场 










如何解决性别歧视?What to do about gender inequality?

Emily (Year 13) takes a closer look at gender inequality. She explores the origins of this inequality and what we should do about it.

如今,中国有一个社会现象在很多方面,女人跟男人的待遇不平等。在社会上有工资差距和就业机会不平等。第一个不平等现象是‘工资差距’。如今,在社会上女人工资和男人相比更低,同样的工作男人赚更多钱。这样会让人感到不公平,而且会造成各种各样的社会问题。第二个是就业机会不平等。男人经常有高薪工作,比如技术,科学或工程。女人没有跟男人一样的社会地位或工作机会。这个社会现象来自哪里?在很久以前,有一些老旧的思想,让人们觉得男人比女人好。其中有一个观念‘男主外,女主内’。男人被看作是优于女性的存在,因为他们被认为有更多实力与能力。我觉得这种观念有很大的问题,而且我们应该立刻做出改变。为了消除这个现象,我们需要教育孩子, 让性别平等成为更广为人知的观念。此外政府应该鼓励女性把工作场所中遇到的不平等说出来,并解决它们。 

Key words: 

              – Gender inequality    性别不平等 

              – Social phenomenon     社会现象 

              – Wage gap 工资差距 

              – Unequal opportunities  机会不平等 

              – Superiority   优于 

              – Social status 社会地位 

How did reform to the agricultural industry contribute to the Chinese economy?

Emily, Year 12, investigates how reforms to China’s agricultural industry helped to develop the Chinese economy.

Shortly after Deng Xiaoping became the new leader of the People’s Republic of China in 1978, the first economic reforms took place under the agricultural sector. Prior to this, between the years 1966-1978, the agriculture sector’s output was only growing at roughly 3.1% per annum. 20 years of poor agricultural performance called for changes to be made and the lack of arable land amongst the country of China, shared responsibility for this.

Deng Xiaoping, the ‘architect of modern China’  who led the People’s Republic of China from 1978-1989 (Wikepedia)
Deng Xiaoping, the ‘architect of modern China’
who led the People’s Republic of China from 1978-1989 (Wikepedia)

The biggest feature of Chinese agriculture pre-reform was the collective agricultural production. This system proved to be very inefficient and highly unproductive, as grain yields were distributed based on household sizes and there were few incentives to work hard on the land.

Decollectivisation of agriculture one was the first changes made in the late 70s. The original communal system involved all land being collectively owned, with no private land left. The idea of collectivisation was deserted, and the idea of individual responsibility was favoured over the previous ideas of communal responsibility. Although decollectivisation came with a time lag of approximately 5 years, and slowed down agricultural production after being introduced, it is arguably the single main reason of high growth rates in China’s agricultural sector.

In 1981, the ‘Household responsibility system’- an agricultural production system – was introduced. Under this system, the communes that were once formed under the reign of Mao Zedong were abolished. Collectives were no longer the main system of production and this transitioned to the households. The system allowed households to take out contracts to cultivate plots of land with specific crops. Each household was set a procurement quota, which required them to sell a certain amount of crops to the state at a low price; however, anything that they grew outside of the quota they were able to sell.

Near the end of 1978 a trial of the system began in the Anhui province. A year later a comparison of crop yield was made between the households had tested the system of ‘land contracts ’and households that had not yet. The households under the land contract system had a significantly larger crop yield than the others.

Rice Terraces Fields Paddy - Free photo on Pixabay
Rice Terraces Fields Paddy – Free photo on Pixabay

After the proven success of the system this type of farming had taken over nearly all rural households in China. The abolishment of the communal systems was required in order to solve the issue of insufficiency amongst the citizens. The challenge associated with a communal system is that individuals are often obliged to act in their best interests or what will result in the best outcome for them, meaning that there is often a lack of will to provide labour efficiently on the communal plots of land, leading to a smaller yield.

There was also agricultural price reform. ‘State procurement prices’, the amount the government paid for the quotas, rose significantly. The baseline of the reform was to convert collective processes into independent ones. The increasing individuality of each household meant that the self-sufficiency of each citizen grew as they leased a section of land from the previous collective system which resulted in the substantial growth of food to feed their individual families.

To sum up, three central changes were made to the structure of China’s overall agricultural sector in this period.

The first change to be made was the much-needed removal of the communal systems that was an imminent contributing factor to China’s Great Famine. This was replaced with the much more effective household responsibility system.

Secondly, the market for agricultural goods were also deregulated, allowing for a much more expansive and versatile agricultural market.

Finally, prices underwent change in the form of the ‘state procurement prices’ which allowed for increased agricultural output.

The successful combination of the main agricultural reforms paved the way for similar success in other sectors. After the reforms were made, the agricultural sector output rose dramatically. These were the first reforms established by the new leader, and due to its success, proved itself to be a very useful model  for future economic reforms, especially in China’s industrial sector. A 1.5% increase in the growth rate of grain output per annum was seen in the years following the beginning of the reforms.

In 1984, China’s output of grain had exceeded 400 million tons for the first time. The problem associated with a shortage of food to feed the intensely growing population had now been resolved. As a result of the changes to the agricultural system, now only 10% of the Chinese economy comes from agriculture from what used to be an agrarian economy. From 1978 to 1984 the agricultural sector’s output had risen by over 61%.

The incomes of rural households had also risen simultaneously, with a series of positive knock-on effects on the industrial sector. Due to the rising incomes, an automatic increase in aggregate demand occurred as people with more disposable incomes wanted to spend money on consumer goods/services, which ultimately expanded industrial production at the same time. Not only did reform promote a sizeable rise in agricultural output, it aided reduction of people living in poverty.

With families and households becoming increasingly self-sufficient due to the individual plots of land, the number of people who could not afford sufficient nourishment decreased. An increase in industrial production meant there were more factory jobs available, which encouraged people to switch from rural jobs into the city to work in the factories. More income meant more of the population had savings in which they put into banks. Having more savings meant that this money could be used to finance investments in other sectors.


Marden, S., 2015. Agriculture, Development And Structural Change In Reform-Era China. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 September 2020].

Huang, Jikun, and Scott Rozelle. “China’s 40 Years of Agricultural Development and Reform.” China’s 40 Years of Reform and Development: 1978–2018, edited by Ross Garnaut et al., ANU Press, Acton ACT, Australia, 2018, pp. 487–506. JSTOR, Accessed 1 June 2020.

Coursera. 2020. 1.4 Decollectivization Of Agriculture – Orientation And Module 1: China’S Gradualist Reforms | Coursera. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 September 2020].

Lin, Justin Yifu. “The Household Responsibility System in China’s Agricultural Reform: A Theoretical and Empirical Study.” Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 36, no. 3, 1988, pp. S199–S224. JSTOR, Accessed 1 June 2020. 2020. OECD Review Of Agricultural Policies – China – OECD. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 September 2020].

Roberts, J., 2011. A History Of China. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, p.292

McMillan, John, et al. “The Impact of China’s Economic Reforms on Agricultural Productivity Growth.” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 97, no. 4, 1989, pp. 781–807. JSTOR, Accessed 20 June 2020.

Trip to Beijing, April 2019

By Helena, Y10

Last April our year 9 Chinese class went on a school trip to Beijing. It was an amazing experience, here’s what we did!



演, 非常有趣。




星期五中文课以后我们去了天坛,天坛公园又大又漂亮。我们看到了人们在那里跳舞也做其 他公园活动。我们这去了红桥市场,在哪里我们练习了中文,而且买了纪念品。晚上我们去了饭店吃晚饭,我们吃了火锅,很好吃。




Last year we went to Beijing for a school trip. Our Chinese class only has three students, so wepartnered with another school. This was fun because we made a lot of new friends. We arrived in Beijing on Monday morning. We were very tired because the flight was long. After lunch we went to the Olympic Park and we saw the Bird’s Nest Stadium and Aquatic Centre. We had Peking duck for dinner, and it was delicious!

Lama Temple

We had our first Chinese class on Tuesday morning. Our classroom was under a coffee shop, so during the break we ordered tea in Chinese. After lunch we went to Lama Temple and we burned incense. Then we went to the Confucius Temple, where we watched a Chinese dance show and it was very interesting.

We went to Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and Jingshan Park on Wednesday afternoon. The Forbidden City was huge, and we walked for three hours. We enjoyed learning about Chinese history. After going to the Forbidden City, we climbed the hill in Jingshan Park. We could see a panorama of Beijing, but there was a lot of pollution. After dinner we went to the night market and I bought bubble waffles. We went to the Great Wall of China on Thursday! The weather was hot and sunny, and we had a picnic lunch on the Great Wall, which was really fun. The view was amazing, and we took a lot of photos.

We went down the hill on a slide in the afternoon and we thought it was fun. On Friday after Chinese class, we went to the Temple of Heaven. The Temple of Heaven is in a big and beautiful park. We saw people dancing and doing other park activities. We also went to the Pearl Market, where we practiced speaking Chinese and bought souvenirs. In the evening we went to a restaurant for dinner; we had hot pot and it was delicious.

Saturday was our last day in Beijing. We went to Houhai, where we saw a beautiful lake and explored the alleyways. Then we went to Nanluoguxiang, which is a big shopping street. I bought Chinese tea, stationery and souvenirs. We returned home to England on Sunday. We had an amazing time in China; we had a lot of fun, made new friends, learned Chinese, ate a lot of delicious meals, and saw a lot of interesting places. I think our trip was great!

Great Wall of China