This idea comes from Suzanne in the French department, who used her lesson observation with Claire to try out a new digital technique. In the lesson, she helped students to review all the vocabulary they had learnt so far. She then built their confidence in using the mirror function in Flipgrid to record a conversation using the vocabulary for homework, with the student both asking and answering their own questions.
- Video instructions Suzanne made for her class of how to use the mirror function in Flipgrid
- Video instructions Suzanne made for her class of how to use Flipgrid more generally
The application in MFL is apparent. However, the idea of verbally asking and answering your own questions could be used in lots of other subjects, from debating different ideas, to conducting a Q&A with yourself, to putting right misperceptions about something. The metacognition built into doing this sort of thing is brilliant and the mirror function in Flipgrid could be a fun way of encouraging students to develop this sort of thought process. How could your students use it in your subject?
- The students were creative in using the mirror function, using costumes, backgrounds etc.
- It allowed students to verbalise ideas at home (really important for MFL, but important for all subjects).
- It built confidence in a fun way: students were practising vocab and accuracy of pronunciation in a low stakes manner.
- If used for students to debate with themselves, or to conduct a Q&A with themselves, then the metacognitive element is really beneficial.
Neurodiversity considerations for this activity from Isabelle and Catherine:
- Be prepared to offer an alternative to students with social anxiety and autism.
- Be prepared that for some students sharing publicly is very difficult.