Community Action interview

I know you’ve all been waiting for the exciting second instalment of SLT interviews and this week I interviewed the wonderful Community Action Team (excluding the house captains, but do not fear they will be getting their own exclusive interview in the coming weeks). So, without further ado, let’s get to know Anna and Sharanya (Heads of Charities, Partnerships and Philanthropy) and Emilia Beevor (Head of the Charter).

If your past self could look at you now, what do you think they would say?

A: Stop worrying about what people might think – remember what makes you happy and just do it. 

S: How were you a better swimmer when you were 10?!

E: ‘where did your tan go?’

What are you most excited about within this position?

A: Really focusing on looking beyond WHS and trying to make a positive impact on the wider world, and sharing that with everyone. I have loved the Partnerships programme so much and I’m really excited to get to carry on being part of it – I want as many people as possible to find a way that they can enjoy getting stuck into all things related to charities and partnerships. 

S: I’m really excited to make a difference to our community outside WHS and raise money for meaningful causes.

E: I really want to bring The Charter to the younger year groups and get as many people involved as I can – it is such an important initiative!

If you could have any superpower, what would you pick?

A: Teleportation. I love the idea of being able to get wherever I want to go without having to spend hours travelling, and being able to explore the world without going by plane (and never again having to face the fear of forgetting my zip card). 

S: To be able to come up with answers to these kinds of questions.

E: Being able to fly!

Who are your role models?

A: I don’t think I have just one or two role models – I admire different aspects of lots of different people, so I guess my role models are pretty much everyone I’ve ever met. 

S: My amazing mum is definitely my role model – I admire so much about her, especially her courage, kindness and dancing talent!

E: My parents!!! they are the best 

What are your top three favourite songs? (These songs will then be added to a SLT Spotify playlist)


  • Waterloo – ABBA
  • Dancing Queen – ABBA
  • I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor


  • Ghungroo – Bollywood song from the movie ‘War’
  • You belong with me – Taylor Swift
  • Smooth – Santana and Rob Thomas


  • Oscar Winning Tears – Raye
  • Vienna – Billy Joel
  • Be Someone – Benson Boone