Teachers Take GCSEs

A tradition started by Lilly Camyab in 2018, we present: Mrs Cooper taking Geography, Mr Wilmore taking Spanish, Mr Courtenay-Clack attempting Maths, Dr Parsons taking Physics and Mr Daws taking RS.

Teachers Take GCSEs

End of Term Bingo

It’s that time of year again – the countdown to the end of term is ticking to an eventual close, and there’s a feeling of expectation in the air (either due to an exciting Easter break, or quaking fear that exam season is once again approaching). Whichever one you may be, or perhaps both, there is no denying that that the lie-ins will be more frequent, and you won’t have to sit in a classroom for at least two weeks. And of course, this expectation comes with the End-of-Term Events; so, to entertain you during the next week, here is a comprehensive Bingo checklist of things to look forward to.

End of Term Bingo

Which Type of MadForPadz-er Are You?

The alarm beeps. You check the date. It’s International Women’s Day. But wait! You’ve realised your fatal mistake – you’ve forgotten to buy pads for #madforpadz (or maybe you’ve been stockpiling for weeks, waiting for your time to shine). Well, feel free to peruse the list below, and find out who you really are…

Which Type of MadForPadz-er Are You?

What Your Favourite Celebrations Chocolate Says About You

If like me, every Christmas, your family commits to large variety tubs of chocolate over an intense game of Monopoly, you will be very familiar with the chocolates you invariably pick first, and indeed, the chocolates others snatch up before you. You will also be familiar with the unwanted species, who, much like the least favourite child, get reluctantly picked at the end once your mouth has been coated in sugar, and so is not fully appreciated. Call this over-analysing, but (BuzzFeed quiz style) have you ever pondered what your favourite Celebration says about you?

What Your Favourite Celebrations Chocolate Says About You