To continue what is possibly becoming a series of mine, this is the development of what started as a major digression in a discussion of Augustus Caesar in Plutarch’s Life of Antony and has turned into a full blown deep dive into the zodiac signs of ancient figures. That said, it is largely Roman figures, because we don’t know the specific birthday of most of the central Greek political and cultural figures. Either way, enjoy!
A handy guide to picking the best New Year’s resolution
But Elspie, what on earth is an article about New Year’s doing coming out 24 days late? Well, to that I say, this is clearly an article in preparation for 2026 and is entirely unrelated to the fact that I’ve had mocks for the past two weeks.
Back to School Bingo
Now, this may be delayed by a few weeks, but I think that, nonetheless, it is worth welcoming in the new term by paying due homage to more of our favourite characters
An insight the start of Wimbledon’s winter
Now I must say, this isn’t the article I was planning on writing this week, but then SOMEONE decided that it was time for winter to arrive and bring rain and freezing cold.
Year 7 memories
Being a Year 7 starting out in the Senior School can be tough; so tough, in fact, that it is remembered still by older students who have long since undergone the stress and pressure. As a Year 7 myself, I have interviewed a few Year 11 students who may have been traumatised by this random interaction at first, but were happy to share once they realised the motive for me grabbing them at lunch. Here are some of their not so nostalgic points on starting high school.