The obvious answer to this question is further developments in AI. The creation of an AI that is almost indistinguishable from humanity, a thinking, feeling robot. Such a development would revolutionize the world, raise philosophical questions about what it means to be human and start a radical change in the definition of human rights.
The physiological benefits of hugs
In our everyday life, hugs are a frequent form of greeting, comfort, and expression of connection. But why do we actually hug people, and what are the physiological benefits of hugging?
The science behind love
Love is one of the most intriguing emotions. Over time, poets have explored it through language, philosophers have debated its meaning, historians have looked at the long story of love in civilizations for generations, and scientists have studied it through evidence and experiments. But how does one actually fall in love, and what are the biological processes behind being in love?
The hidden depths of AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) is something of a buzzword presently, the world has been electrified with the possibilities and downfalls that AI can bring humanity.
Could genetically modified organisms solve world hunger?
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have the potential to solve world hunger. Genetically modified organisms are those in which a gene has been transferred into a different organism’s DNA to create desirable qualities, for example immunity to crop destroying bacteria.