How Did People Keep Warm Throughout History?

In a climate-controlled 21st century home so accustomed to 24/7 central heating throughout the colder months, suddenly having to do without any heating at all can be quite a nasty shock. You may roll your eyes at your grandparents’ lectures of how ‘your generation doesn’t know how easy you have it’ and how ‘when I was young, we had frost on the inside of the windowpanes’, but they may actually have a point. How on earth did people manage to get through the winter before double glazing, effective insulation, or electric heating were invented?

How Did People Keep Warm Throughout History?

The Problematic History of the IQ Test

High IQs have often been compared equally to having a high intelligence. In the media, ‘Nerds with high IQs’ often appear to show an almost superhero levels of genius that dazzle the people around them. IQ tests have provided the basis for standardised testing in schools, they are qualifying factor in being able to join intellectual societies in Mensa, and they have been a factor in Western society for over a century. Yet the real history of the IQ tests is often glossed over and is allowed to be swept under the rug. So, how did it become so prevalent, resulting in a century of bias against minority racial groups and neurodivergence?

The Problematic History of the IQ Test