‘Wade’ in or ‘Roe’ back? : A summary of the debate over abortion in the USA

Oklahoma passed an abortion ban punishing people with up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $100,000. Rapists in Oklahoma face up to five years in prison. In Tennessee, a bill was introduced allowing a rapist’s family or friends to sue a victim of rape if they get an abortion. In Texas, abortions are now illegal once a foetal heartbeat can be detected. Most women are not aware that they are pregnant at this point. Carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term means families are 4x more likely to fall under the federal poverty line and 6x more likely to rely on public assistance.

These are some of the alarming facts that are behind the often more abstract debate about the rights and wrongs of abortion, which has been ignited in the USA by the draft decision of the Supreme Court to overturn the landmark case Wade vs Roe. This article attempts to outline some of the underlying elements of this highly emotive debate.

‘Wade’ in or ‘Roe’ back? : A summary of the debate over abortion in the USA