Cycling Courses Prove a Big Hit in Easter Holidays

Over Easter, 21 students in Years 5-9 completed a Level 2 Cycling Proficiency Course in conjunction with Merton Council. 

Maddie, one of the participants from Year 9, told us a bit more about the course: 

“We spent the first morning cycling around the courts at Nursery Road. There, we also  checked that our bikes were safe and learning tips like how to brake quickly. We then headed out onto the streets around Wimbledon to put our skills into action and practice with traffic. We cycled in groups as well as having some one-on-one guidance from the fantastic coaches. 

Cyclists get their briefing on Day 1 of the first course.

“The course was helpful as I became more confident cycling on roads. I learnt where to position myself, how to signal and even go around roundabouts safely. What’s better is that it was based locally to have the chance to cycle around the roads we use every day. I would really recommend the course to anyone looking for an opportunity to learn how to keep themselves cycle safely. 

Hannah, also in Year 9, added: “We learned vital skills for keeping ourselves safe on the road. We also learnt interesting theory like the meaning of the give way sign.’ 

Indira and Ada, two Year 7 students who part of the Eco-Committee, were a key driving force in helping organise these courses. They explained: “Cycling Proficiency teaches children of all ages to cycle safely on busy roads and this adds to their confidence when doing so. We had this idea because many parents do not want their children to cycle to school because they are worried about their safety, but cycle training helps put their minds at ease. ”

 “We are really glad that the courses took place. The fact that so many people took part was really amazing. It shows that lots of people are interested in this and want to know how to cycle safely.” 

You can hear from the course participants themselves in this short video: